Sound & Music Services

Geoffroy (Good Boy)

Geoffroy (Good Boy)


Geoffroy (Good Boy)

Geoffroy (Good Boy)

The sound: the new brand signature

The sound: the new brand signature


The sound: the new brand signature

The sound: the new brand signature

MAPP Festival

MAPP Festival


MAPP Festival

MAPP Festival

MAPP Festival

MAPP Festival


MAPP Festival

MAPP Festival

Geoffroy (Good Boy)

Geoffroy (Good Boy)


Geoffroy (Good Boy)

Geoffroy (Good Boy)

Le son : la nouvelle signature de marque

Le son : la nouvelle signature de marque


Le son : la nouvelle signature de marque

Le son : la nouvelle signature de marque

The sound: the new brand signature

Why is having a sonic identity essential for your brand?

In a world where consumers are constantly bombarded with advertising messages, it has become crucial for brands to stand out in a unique and memorable way. While visuals play a vital role in a brand’s communication, sonic identity, often underestimated, is just as—if not more—important. Here's why adopting a sonic identity is essential for your brand.

1. Powerful auditory memory

According to a study by the Audio Branding Congress, 60% of customers are more likely to remember a brand that uses a unique sonic signature. This means that a simple melody or jingle can embed your brand in consumers' minds in a lasting way. The human brain reacts to sounds much faster than to images, giving sonic identity an immediate edge in capturing attention and staying ingrained in memory.

2. Direct impact on sales

The effectiveness of a sonic identity goes beyond memorability. It directly influences how your brand is perceived and, by extension, impacts your sales. A report by Nielsen reveals that 96% of ads using music or a sonic signature tailored to the brand's message are more likely to be remembered. This often leads to increased sales, as a memorable ad encourages consumers to act, whether it's purchasing a product or learning more about your brand.

3. Boosting ROI on advertising campaigns

Another study conducted by Ipsos highlights that advertising campaigns effectively incorporating a sonic identity see a 20% increase in return on investment. This gain is attributed to the ability of sonic identity to create an emotional connection with the audience, thus enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns. By aligning your visual and sonic messages, you optimize the impact of your communication and maximize returns.

4. Emotional influence on consumers

Music and sound have the power to evoke emotions. According to an AdWeek study, 75% of consumers state that music can influence their mood. When the music or sonic signature of your brand matches the emotion you want to convey, consumers become more receptive to your message. This emotional connection can not only capture attention but also foster long-term loyalty.

5. Strengthening brand recognition and loyalty

A distinct sonic identity doesn’t just make your brand memorable; it also strengthens its recognition in the marketplace. A unique sound, consistently associated with your brand, helps create an emotional bond with customers. This connection is crucial for standing out in a saturated market and for building lasting loyalty among consumers.

6. Consistency in brand communication

Sonic identity also plays a key role in maintaining consistency across various communication channels. By using the same sound elements across all your touchpoints—whether in ads, mobile apps, or streaming platforms—you ensure unified communication. This consistency simplifies the work of marketing teams and guarantees that every interaction with your brand aligns with your overall identity.

7. Long-term cost savings

Although the initial investment in a sonic identity might seem high, it is actually a long-term cost-saving measure. By using standardized sound elements for different campaigns, you save on the production of new content while maintaining a consistent presence. This approach is not only cost-effective but also efficient in reinforcing your brand image.

8. Adapting to new technologies

The ways in which consumers interact with brands have evolved significantly in recent years. With the rise of apps, streaming platforms, and smart speakers, having a cohesive sonic identity is more important than ever. Music that doesn't align with your brand will get lost in the flood of content, whereas a well-thought-out sonic signature can capture attention and engage users, no matter where they are.

Sonic identity is more than just a jingle or a musical signature. It's about creating a complete sonic ecosystem, where every sound element your brand uses—whether in ads, on mobile apps, in stores, or on digital platforms—works together to reflect a coherent identity. This ecosystem ensures that every consumer touchpoint reinforces the brand image consistently.

In a competitive environment where grabbing consumer attention is tough, a sonic identity is a strategic asset. It not only boosts brand recognition but also improves the effectiveness of ad campaigns, positively influences consumer moods, and ensures consistent communication. In the end, investing in a sonic identity isn't just a creative choice, but a smart business decision that can lead to significant gains in loyalty and market differentiation.